Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How much DNA is transcribed to make a protein?

How much DNA is transcribed to make a protein?

How are DNA and RNA different?

What letter is different between DNA and RNA?

What enzyme is used?How much DNA is transcribed to make a protein?
RNA polymerase is enzyme used.鈥?/a>

letters different.

Deoxyribo in DNA

Ribo in RNAHow much DNA is transcribed to make a protein?
a. for every one amino acid in a protein, it took three base pairs of DNA to be transcribed. So for every amino acid, it takes three deoxynucleotides to code for it (one deoxynucleotide is a molecule made up of three smaller molecules: a phosphate group, a sugar (deoxyribose) and a base (one of Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, or Thymine).

For example, a protein 100 amino acids long would require 300 bp (base pairs) of DNA to be transcribed.

b. The type of sugar used in a nucleotide of DNA is deoxyribose, which is why the nucleotides in DNA can be called deoxynucleotides. The type of sugar used in a nucleotide of RNA is ribose. The only difference between deoxyribose and ribose is the presence (RNA) or absence (DNA) of an Oxygen atom bonded to one of the carbons in the sugar.

The four bases used in DNA nucleotides are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. RNA nucleotides use the same first three bases as DNA, but uses Uracil instead of Thymine.

c. I assume by "letter" they mean base. As previously stated, RNA nucleotides use Uracil and DNA nucleotides use Thymine instead. Thymine = T, Uracil = U.

d. I can't answer this question because it is unclear. What enzyme is used for what?? The enzyme used for transcribing DNA into RNA (and for copying RNA) is RNA polymerase. The enzyme used for copying (replicating) DNA is DNA polymerase. The enzyme used for "reverse transcribing" RNA into DNA is reverse transcriptase.

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