Saturday, March 10, 2012

How does the structure of DNA facilitate its function?

What is the structure of DNA?

What is its function?

How does the structure of DNA facilitate its function?How does the structure of DNA facilitate its function?
DNA is a member of the nucleic acids, one of the four major classes of macromolecules.

At the basic level, it is composed of four nucleotides or bases, which in turn are composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (deoxyribose for DNA, ribose for RNA), and a phosphate group. The two major groups of DNA bases are purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (cytosine, thymine). One pyrimidine always binds to a purine. Cytosine always binds to guanine, and adenine to thymine. In this way, polymers of DNA are created. They are stabilized by hydrogen bonding between the bases. These bonds cause DNA to form a double helical structure (helix).

The function of DNA is to hold the genetic information of an individual. Your DNA is used to synthesize proteins in your body. A specific sequence of DNA nucleotides (e.g. AUG) will code for a speicific amino acid (the basic unit of a protein, in this case, methionine). In turn, proteins have thousands upon thousands of roles within your body.

The structure of DNA facilitates its function in several ways. It's held together by hydrogen bonds, which allows proteins to come in and pull the two strands apart. If the strands were held by covalent bonds, replication of DNA wouldn't be possible. It can be either uncondensed, as it usually is during the duration of the cell cycle, or condensed to chromosomes, like during mitosis.How does the structure of DNA facilitate its function?
DNA looks like little tubey things - almost like strings and DNA is what makes everbody special and different. DNA is where all your chomosome live - thats the function. If you die, and your body is mangled beyond recognition - death scientist will use your DNA in order to indentify you and then they will be able to contact your loved ones to inform them that you have passed away.

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