Saturday, March 10, 2012

What are the odds that this sequence will occur in a random chain of DNA?

Hind III recognizes a sequence of six nucleotides (AAGCTT) as a cut site. What are the odds that this sequence will occur in a random chain of DNA?

This question is part of a lab in my A.P. Biology class. The title of the lab is called "Lab 6B: DNA Fingerprinting." Any help is quite appreciated!What are the odds that this sequence will occur in a random chain of DNA?
There are only 4096 different sequences of 6 nucleotides possible (4*4*4*4*4*4).

Further, TTCGAA is the same as AAGCTT read in reverse, so this changes the odds to 1 in 2048.What are the odds that this sequence will occur in a random chain of DNA?
How long is the random chain of DNA?

(P.S. I was going to give the same answer as Vincent G. The odds of any chain of 6 nucleotides being AAGCTT is 2 out of 4096 (since the direction doesn't matter) ... or 1 in 2048 nucleotides.

So if the chain is 2048 nucleotides long, the chances are pretty certain.

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