Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What is determined by the DNA base sequence on a chromosome?

also, if you could:

How can the amino acid sequence determine the characteristics of a organism?

If there is a change in the DNA sequence, what are some possible effects?

(mutation?)What is determined by the DNA base sequence on a chromosome?
The sequence of nucleotides on DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in a protein. If an amino acid is deleted or added this changes the entire sequence, because it requires a series of three nucleotides to generate a code for one amino acid. For example, if a series- AAA, CTC, GCG ...had an A added at some point the series could become: AAA, CAT, CGC, G...the new codes such as CAT indicate a different amino acid.

The entire character of the protein would be changed, and proteins are very specific to an organism.

Any change in DNA is a mutation, and known mutations include albinism, Tay Sachs etc.What is determined by the DNA base sequence on a chromosome?
The DNA base sequence determines the sequence of amino acids that can be linked up during translation to form an polypeptide chain, or protein.

The proteins produced by the instructions found in the base sequence of DNA direct all of the activities of the organism's cell(s), which is obviously important in directing what happens to the organism's traits. When the DNA base sequence changes due to mutation from various sources, protein production may be altered in some cases; in most cases, nothing really happens. However, when a mutation does occur, chances are that it's bad and it will hurt the organism's chances of survival; but sometimes the mutation can also be good, producing a trait in the organism that makes it's chances of survival higher.

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