Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is Avery鈥檚 evidence that DNA is the genetic material?

Describe the contributions of Hershey and Chase to the understanding that DNA is the genetic material.What is Avery鈥檚 evidence that DNA is the genetic material?
Do your own biology homework.What is Avery鈥檚 evidence that DNA is the genetic material?
Avery and his colleagues (MacLeod and McCarty) just proved that DNA is the "transforming factor" in Griffith's experiment (in which he infected mice with two strains of bacteria that cause pneumonia, one causes the mice to die *smooth strain or S strain* and another causes mice to live, another is heat-killed S strain causes mice to live and mixture of heat-killed S strain and R strain, causing the mice to die and it the autopsy of the mice, live S strain was seen and no more R strain, therefore something caused the R strain to transform into S strain which is the transforming factor).

Avery and his colleagues now extracted different biomolecules from the S strain and mixed it with R strain. The result showed that DNA of S strain when mixed with R strain, it transformed R strain into S strain.

Hershey and Chase just researched on DNA. They marked 2 biomolecules (DNA and proteins) in the bacteriophage (using radioactive molecules) and let it infect the bacteria Escherichia coli and looked if the supernatant (viral protein) or the pellet (where the bacteria and DNA is) showed radioactivity.

The results were:

When the proteins of the virus were marked, the radioactivity was detected in the supernatant while if the DNA were marked, the radioactivity was in the pellet.

It just showed that it is the DNA that enter the E. coli not the proteins and cause the virus to multiply (see virus multiplication).

it is all in the net. :%26gt;What is Avery鈥檚 evidence that DNA is the genetic material?
do you'r own homwork iughdvfguvsdcjjhvb jdkhuvfuvb giggity gigityy gig gig gig pfftttt rasberry jknvfkjbdsafjvhgbdljhbvsjhdsbvjdbvljbdsl鈥?oooppppsss donyou'r own homework bahahahahaha
Stop writing Twilight Bestiality Fan Fic and actually read your biology book.

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